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R Fennema 03-01-2009 10:11 PM

Problem with Mask Getting Kicked Off

I haven't dove in quiete a while now it being winter..and there being no point in buying a drysuit that I'll grow out of in a season. So as soon as the temperatures rise a bit to my liking and wetsuit adequate I'll be getting as much dives out as I can with my dad, Joe and John and any one else who comes along. This will be my first dive after being in Florida and getting my Open Water Dive I only have about 6 or so dives on me so I was just asking for any tips on a little problem I have with my mask getting kicked off. :eek:.

In my open water diving course I had no problem with anything except a little bit on my breathing control but my main issue was getting my mask kicked off. In my open water course my instructor had me do it but the first couple times I panicked and swam for the surface because I felt like a couldn't breathe as soon as the cold water hit my face (and this was in Florida..) but after a bit I got it but was still a little shakey. As soon as the summer comes in this will be my main priority to master but in the mean time I was just wondering is anyone had some tips on this. Other than that I think once I get the hang of it and my body gets used to the cold water I should have it mastered :cool:.

mddolson 03-02-2009 12:17 PM

Mask off anxiety
Hi,'m a retired NAUI/PADI instructor with 25 years teaching experience.

The anxiety you're describing is common for newbies.
I found the following exercises to work quite well.

1) at home in the shower put your mask on, pop it open at the top and let it get half full (enough to sub-merge the end of your nose) keep it on for a while get used to breathing with your nose in water.

A hint: don't look up (look down) when your mask has water in it!
Your nose becomes a funnel to the back of your throat.

2) In the pool, with scuba practice removing & replacing your mask in shallow end. Talk to local clubs & shops. most will allow you in for practice time.
When you have your mask off keep it off for five full breaths & exhales, then put it back on. clear etc.

I found that when students are profficient with this skill, they have no issues with mask-off breathing.


Mike D

sharon 03-02-2009 04:06 PM

You could even try that in the tub. Lots of people experience the same flight reaction as you. When you start diving more just make sure you don't follow to close to someone from behind.

Joe 03-03-2009 07:44 PM

Practice is the best way to get used to taking your mask off. I had a hard time doing it too. I was told to try adding a little bit of water until the mask is full. I did this while floating face down on the surface with my mask full and breathing through my reg. This is a good way to simulate breathing without your mask on. Get the old man to take you to the pool tomorrow. :D

Jen 03-03-2009 08:03 PM

All great suggestions. I find that a lot of time...its mind over matter. If you overthink it, then you build yourself up to all the things that you don't like about it. I've done that...but then when the time comes I surprise myself, and can do more than I think without my mask. The mask should not be kicked off. If it is....find other people to dive with. You will find that with practice and just doing it without over thinking it, you'll do just fine :).

R Fennema 03-05-2009 10:45 PM

Okay well thank you so much for the suggestions everyone I'll make sure I try out all your different techniques and hopefully I find something good for me and then Ill have it mastered :). Sorry I also noticed that I worded my post differently then I wanted to. It wasn't really my mask getting kicked off, since that has never happened to me was just taking my mask off underwater or clearing it. I just wanted to get the taking the mask off thing mastered just in case something like that were to happen. Once again thanks everyone :).

mddolson 03-08-2009 04:04 PM

Practice, practice practice!
As it was by Joe, to master a skill, you have to keep practicing, until it beomes second nature.

Instructors, AI's and Dm's keep their skills tuned up by constantly demonstrating in classes.


Mike D

Matthew Mandziuk 03-10-2009 10:51 PM

Hey Ricky,

Best way to do it is to come out and hang out with me at Brock on a Wednesday and we can have some fun.


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